Compare Costs, Installation Specs & Durability

Is there a truly unbiased comparison of precast concrete vs. poured concrete online?

We couldn’t find one, so we set out to compare three factors (cost, installation, and durability) as honestly and objectively as possible.

We hope you find this information helpful in forming your own opinion on precast vs poured or block foundation systems, and which is the right choice for you.

Cost Comparison

You might have heard that Superior Walls cost more than poured concrete. While pricing varies from state to state, in most cases the costs are comparable, mostly due to the reduced labor costs with precast concrete.

The following price estimate compares a 9″ poured concrete foundation to a 9″ Superior Walls precast foundation. To get an accurate price estimate for your project, please contact us.

Poured Wall vs. Superior Walls Cost Chart

Superior Walls vs. poured concrete cost comparison.



Our professional crews install most average-sized basement systems in 1 day.

After manufacture in a factory-controlled environment, Superior Walls panels are delivered to the new home job site on special carriers. There, cranes carefully lower the custom walls onto a bed of clean crushed stone, where they are permanently installed into place by specially trained crews. A triple bead of Superior Sealant forms a tight permanent seal against moisture. As soon as the foundation is in place, building can begin immediately – usually the same afternoon.

Here’s a chart comparing key differences between precast and poured foundations.

Superior Walls vs. Poured Concrete Installation

Precast Foundation Poured Foundation
Install Time 1 day (or less) Up to 1 week
Job Scheduling Can be installed in any weather Temperature & conditions can slow you down
Backfilling Immediately after walls are up and secured to subfloor Wait until at least 50% cured
Cleanliness No broken blocks, sand, or concrete mess Time & labor for clean up

Visit our FAQ for more information about installation and delivery.

Real-World Case Study

An architect in Alexandria, VA shared how he saved time and money by designing and having his home built with Superior Walls.

Superior Walls section lowered into position.


Instead of pouring concrete into wood forms on the build site, Superior Walls are steel-reinforced, 5000 psi concrete walls with insulation panels inside, which make them not only very strong, but highly energy efficient too.

The top and bottom bond beam and solid concrete studs reinforced with rebar, means our Superior Walls system is much stronger and nearly impervious to cracking compared to conventional block or poured concrete foundations.

Plus, Superior Walls offers a 15-year warranty that covers any structural defects and side wall water penetration.

Hear what contractors have to say about Superior Walls:

“Bayside Developers, Inc. started using Weaver Superior Walls, LLC Superior Walls, LLC in 1998. Superior Walls are the most important part of our construction phase. Their commitment to quality and customer service is by far the best in the industry. Customers are constantly asking “why aren’t all basements made this way? As Maryland’s premier custom home builder, Weaver Superior Walls, LLC & Superior Walls will always be part of every home we build.”Bud Rice (Google review)

“Superior Walls is a fantastic way to build your project on a solid (and square and level) foundation. I recommend Weaver Superior Walls, LLC to all of our customers.”Brooke Rush (Google review)

Contact Us

If you’re considering a switch to precast concrete for your next job and have questions or concerns, we would love to speak with you. Call 717-733-4823 or contact us here.

In the meantime, you can visit our page for Construction Professionals where you’ll find installation guides, checklists, code evaluation reports, and more.