Join us for an educational, informational event showcasing green building products and services. We hope to see you there!
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Event Details
Date: Thursday, October 18, 2018
Time: 1:00pm – 8:00pm
Location: SUNY New Paltz Student Union Building
Conference Schedule
1pm – 5pm Education
5pm – 8pm Expo hall and networking
Detailed Itinerary
1:00pm: “Managing Condensation and Thermal Performance With Continuous Insulation” -OR- “Green Toolkit: An Ecosystem of Green Rating Systems”
2:00pm: “Documenting a LEED Project as Painlessly as Possible” -OR- “Radon Resistant New Construction” -OR- “Benefits to True Third-Party Commissioning Services”
3:00pm: “The Benefits or the Building Enclosure Commissioning Process” -OR- “LEED for Cities and Communities”
4:00pm: “Zero Energy Off the Shelf” -OR- “Navigating the Challenges for a Better Performing (and code compliant) Wall Assembly” -OR- “Project Drawdown”
5:00pm: Expo opens with 25+ exhibitors!
8:00pm: Expo ends