Update: The 2018 Idea House project is complete! It was an honor to be a part of this fantastic project.
This Old House and Sweenor Builders hosted an open house on September 8, 2018 where the public could tour the home and take in local artwork and cuisine as part of the tour experience.
Image credit: Sweenor Builders.
The 2018 Idea House will be featured in the Nov/Dec issue of This Old House magazine and in several upcoming This Old House segments. The 2018-2019 season premieres next month on PBS.
Sweenor Builders wrote a full press release about the project. Read the full press release »
You can view a webcam of the house here.
June 13, 2018
Recently, Weaver Superior Walls, LLC Superior Walls was featured on This Old House! Superior Walls’ Xi Plus wall panels are NGBS Green Certified which made them an ideal choice for This Old House’s 2018 Narragansett, Rhode Island, Idea House. Superior Walls XI Plus panels by Weaver Superior Walls are prefabricated concrete foundation-wall panels, designed to maximize the green efficiency of your home.
“The Team at Weaver Superior Walls was honored to be a part of the construction of the 2018 Idea House in Narragansett, Rhode Island with This Old House. The use of our Xi Plus system will add to the energy efficiency of the Idea House and provide an extra space for living or storage in the home. Our whole team was, and continues to be, very excited about this project and the potential of working with This Old House on future projects!” – Janessa (Weaver Superior Walls).