Sharing the Benefits of Manufacturing Jobs
In November 2019, Weaver Superior Walls, LLC Superior Walls was invited to participate in Manufacturing Day at Garden Spot Middle School in New Holland, PA. This event is designed to introduce 7th and 8th grade students to the exciting career opportunities available in manufacturing. Representing Weaver Superior Walls was Janessa Barrell (Director of Sales) and Melissa Hammer (Human Resources Manager).
Janessa shared her journey from the receptionist to sales to now being a partner and owner of the firm. She also explained how her degree from Penn State combined well with the on-the-job training she received at Weaver Superior Walls.
Melissa then shared about the type of manufacturing jobs available in our plant, including CNC machine operator, pour crew, batch plant operator, carpenter, yard jockey, plant foreman, and production manager. She described the qualities of a good team member, including reliability & dependability, being a team player, safety, and ability to read a tape measure. Melissa also gave tips to prepare students for their job interview, including:
- Be on time.
- It’s ok to be nervous, we are too!
- Check out our website and ask us questions about our business.
“It was a pleasure to spend our morning with the kids at GSMS to provide them with a picture of what it looks like to be part of Weaver Superior Walls – what we do, and why we do it. Hoping to meet some of these faces again when they finish their education and are looking to join our team!” – Melissa
“One of my favorite parts of my job is getting to share about our wonderful company and why we do what we do, so it was an honor to be able to share that at GSMS’s Manufacturing Day. I enjoyed getting to interact with all the kids and hopefully give them some good insight into what it’s like to be a part of our team! I was amazed at how interested they were and how many great questions they had. This was an extraordinary event that gave kids a sneak peek into the Manufacturing world!” – Janessa
Students watching a video about Weaver Superior Walls.
Melissa and Janessa sharing about manufacturing jobs to students.